Create your own user feedback survey
The importance of primary research is to show the audience that are reading that I chose the age category of (18-25) to convey the important of their opinion on what they think of my music magazine. moreover, the importance of having a primary research is too receive audience feedback as well as to which perhaps they would want to change my view on my questions or what the thought of my survey,
this is extremely important because by having a questionnaire is allows people to answer your questions to see if they will even read your magazine before creating it a d seeing how much they would pend so that the magazine price is not to high or not to low. for example, when I would asked a person of how much they are willing o pay, I have had answers such as' not as much as £3, £5 or even £1. This shows what price would be the best for the magazine I will create.
On the other hand. by having this questionnaire it might effect some people opinions and which perhaps the people would not honestly agree with my questions or answers I have provided for them and would respond in a negative way towards my magazine to see what there answer would have been
The importance of primary research is to show the audience that are reading that I chose the age category of (18-25) to convey the important of their opinion on what they think of my music magazine. moreover, the importance of having a primary research is too receive audience feedback as well as to which perhaps they would want to change my view on my questions or what the thought of my survey,
This research was overall beneficially because it gave me external perspective, this is valuable because it suggests what I need to include to successfully produce and distribute my media product.
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