Final Products

I personally think that all three of my magazine pages are successful enough to be published, this is because it suits me and the genre of my magazine genre (Pop). I also think that my magazine suggests that it will meet the target audience.

My magazine cover is presented as a conventional product. the code and conventions can match my magazine cover suit resembles to make my music magazine cover so it looks like a legit magazine cover. my front cover magazine page has a Sanchez which all the magazines have, additionally as the magazine cover contains main headlines which portrays my magazine as a real production.

In Addition, my content page is also conventional and would sell successfully to my target audience. This makes it easier for me because i have met the target audience such as the mature adults and kids, also the success of  my content page of providing enough information to which page which of information based on the gossip. using a plain background with  two pictures and black bold Sanchez writing makes it easier for the readers to read, as to if there was a lot of colors and pictures it would confuse the reader.

My double page spread is the last conventional page that i have presented. the image is well used for the double page spread as i have presented on the right hand side of the second page. i chose this because it will allow me to provide more information on the left hand side of the page such as the interview questions which will be loved by the younger kids as their favorite artist has been interviewed that is at their age category, which makes my double page spread stand out
